Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Reading Notes: PDE Mahabharata, Part D



The Conclusion of the Mahabharata
In the previous reading part, I wrote about the beginning of the war between the Kauravas and Pandavas. I left off with Duryodhana trying to relieve Bhishma of his duties, and that's right where we pick up. Once again, Duryodhana tries to get Bhishma to let Karna take over, but Bhishma denies the request. However, Bhishma also announces that he will either die on the battlefield or defeat the Pandavas that day. Ultimately, Bhishma ends up fighting with Arjuna, and after hours of battling, Bhishma is slain and both sides of the battle are at his side as he passes away. Following Bhishma's death, Drona takes over for the Kaurava's side. Drona promises to capture Yudhishthira and Arjuna promises to defend Yudhishthira. Then, Arjuna's son, Abhimanyu, was brutally killed by the Kaurava forces, and Jayadratha was the killer. Arjuna vowed to slay Jayadratha in the next day, or Arjuna would not have gone to heaven. The Kauravas became aware of Arjuna's vow, and did their best to hide Jayadratha. After going through many of the Kaurava soldiers, Arjuna eventually located Jayadratha right before nightfall. After some strategic planning with Krishna, Arjuna tricked the Kauravas into thinking it was already night and that Jayadratha would be safe. Arjuna then killed Jayadratha. Then, Bhima's son, Ghatotkacha, was slain by Karna, using Indra's dart. The next day, Duryodhana was wanting Drona to hand over the army to Karna. Like Bhishma, Drona stated that he would either slay Arjuna the next day or die trying. However, the Pandavas tricked Drona. Drona's power came from his son being alive. The Pandavas slayed an elephant named Ashwatthaman, Drona's son's name, and stated that Ashwatthaman was dead. Drona fell for the trick, and ultimately perished. Next, Arjuna and Karna fought. An arrow of Karna's struck the bowstring on Arjuna's bow, and Karna would not wait for Arjuna to restring his bow. However, Karna's chariot wheel got stuck and Karna requested a ceasefire for the time being. Krishna then stated that Karna had killed Arjuna's son, and Arjuna immediately fired an arrow that killed Karna. Then, one by one, the Kaurava army was decimated. Soon, Duryodhana and Ashwatthaman were the only two notable warriors left. Duryodhana was slain by a blow to the knee from Bhima. The war starts to wrap up with Arjuna killing Ashwatthaman and grief being everywhere. Nearly everyone has lost a family member in the war, and some had family members on each side of the battle.
Arjuna slays Karna as Karna fixes the wheel of his chariot.
Image found on Wikimedia


"Indian Myth and Legend" by Donald A. Mackenzie [Online]

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