Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reading Notes: Inayat Twenty Jatakas, Part B

The Patient Buffalo

A giant buffalo was grazing, and a monkey kept bothering him.  While sleeping, the monkey ran out to where the buffalo was sleeping under a tree and climbed onto the buffalo's back. The buffalo woke up, but went back to sleep when he realized it was just the monkey. The monkey then swung on the buffalo's horns, but, once again, the buffalo did not mind. The monkey was trying to make the buffalo angry. So, next, the monkey trampled any grass that the buffalo tried to graze on. Once again, the buffalo didn't mind. The monkey then hit the buffalo with a stick. The buffalo did not mind. Eventually, a fairy appeared and reminded the buffalo that he could easily kill the monkey, but the buffalo said he hadn't killed the monkey because it was, unfortunately, not as smart or strong as the buffalo.

Indian Water Buffalo from Wikimedia

The Great Elephant

An elephant lived in an oasis in the desert. He was always very, very happy. One day, he heard the faint voices of men in the desert. He went to check out the scenario and found a few men who were very sad looking. The elephant asked where they were coming from and where they were going. The men said that the king kicked them out of town and they were on their way to the next town. The elephant asked how many men started the trip, and the men replied that there were originally 1,000 men. The elephant pointed out a nearby hill and told the men of the oasis there and said they could find the body of an elephant to eat, and the elephant took off. The elephant then jumped off the hill, leaving his body for the men to eat. The men debated whether it was more honorable to eat the elephant or not eat the elephant, and decided to eat the elephant. The elephant's meat gave the men a ton of strength and they made it to their destination.


"Twenty Jataka Tales". Retold by Noor Inayat. Found Online at this link

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